Friday 30 August 2013



“Think Rich, Get Rich: Is it really that simple?” by T. Harv Eker

Each time I am on stage or working directly with my students in my mastermind groups, I tell them, “Don’t just take my word for anything.” And I mean it. Not everything is always right or wrong, and experience is always the best teacher. Anything we learn has to put it to the test for ourselves.  However, I will say that what I’ve learned has worked for me, and it’s worked for thousands. I am sure, especially during this economic challenge, that you have seen “financial gurus” promising you secrets on how to change your financial situation instantly. What makes me any different than the others? Why should anybody listen to me?
It’s not like I had some special gift that got me to where I am today. Like some of the best things in life, the turning point in my financial destiny came to me completely out of my control. See, after yet another failed business venture, I was forced to move back into my parents’ basement. A visiting friend of my father’s—a very rich friend—took pity on this 20-something still living with his folks and gave me advice that literally changed my life.
He said, “If you thought the way rich people do and did what rich people do, do you believe you could become rich too?” I probably hemmed and hawed some kind of ‘I guess’ response, and he added, “Then all you have to do is copy how rich people think.”
The missing ingredient in my bid for financial success was two-fold. Not only was it knowing what other successful people know, but it was also knowing what was going on in my own mind.
Without examining our true beliefs, sometimes we can block our own success and not even realize it. For me, even though I said I wanted to be rich, I had some unconscious worries about it. I was afraid that I might fail, or even worse, succeed and then lose it all, then look like a fool.
Eventually, I became aware of how my own thoughts were holding me back from wealth, and more importantly, I learned several powerful ways to “unlearn” what we’re typically conditioned to think when it comes to money, so I would think in the same ways that rich people do.
How many times have you challenged your own thoughts and beliefs about money, or about who you really are for that matter? How do you really feel about yourself? Do you actually believe that you deserve to be wealthy? Our personal blueprint ends up determining our money blueprint, and we need to understand these influences before we can begin transforming into a millionaire mindset.
I believe our lives are shaped by defining moments and the decisions that we make from them. From one embarrassing yet insightful incidence, I made a decision to learn everything I could about the psychology of money and success. My results speak for themselves.
It’s true: rich people really do think differently than most. To make that transition, you have to let go of some of your old ways of thinking about money and about yourself, and adopt some new thought patterns. In other words, you need to learn how to think like someone who is rich.
It really is that simple. If you think like rich people do and do what they do, chances are you’ll get rich too!

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Best Get Paid to Listen Websites Make money by rating music

Best Get Paid to Listen Websites

Make money by rating music

Earn money by listening to the - massive music promotion company which deals with many artists and musicians, they are looking for honest music lovers, who would like to listen to the latest music tracks and leave honest ratings and reviews. Recently Slicethepie has changed their terms and they don't accept international members, only ones from US and Canada (please correct me if I am wrong) but still it is a superb money-making opportunity. All the payments are completed via PayPal and payout limit is just 25 dollars. Also I have heard that Slice the Pie members have an opportunity to financially support good artists and invest money in their music but I am not sure whether it is true or not. Anyhow, is the best way to earn money by listening to the music and rating it. - don't miss out a chance to try yourself in producer's role and make money by promoting beats. is a large gallery of music bits and by promoting them in social networks, on forums or on your own blog you can make money. The better you will pick beats and the more you will promote them - the more cash you make. - do you like listening to the music and just dream about a way to earn money by doing this? This website provides you with an incredible chance to receive money for listening to the music, rating it and leaving comments. - free way to gain access to the latest music tracks, listen to them, leave your impressions, rate music and receive points for this work. All the points could be redeemed for free cool prizes. Register today and make the difference in the music world plus receive awesome stuff for free. - take some time to register, take a couple of music surveys and get a chance of winning awesome prizes. Every month a free Apple iPod Shuffle is being given away to lucky users at

Make Money at Home with Micro Freelance Jobs

Get paid to complete sponsored tasks

Complete micro freelance jobs for moneyMicro freelance jobs - yes I wanted to add the word "micro" in front because these are different from usual freelance jobs. With the help of these jobs you can earn money by doing very simple tasks, most of the time these are the tasks we do every time on the Internet - join a Facebook group, comment on blogs your like, write a sales pitch, review a service or product, complete social bookmarking requests, join new website, post to a blog, find appropriate images for an article, proofread articles, design a logo, ect.

These jobs are different from freelance jobs, which require a lot of hard work and complex knowledge (for example programing, photoshop or search engine optimization experience). Micro freelance job boards could help you earn money by doing these quick and most of the time easy tasks. Let's see how this works and which websites are willing to provide us with free micro freelance jobs.

Best Micro Freelance Job Boards

Earn money online by doing simple freelance work

Earn money online by doing freelance or Amazon MTurk is the most popular provider of freelance micro jobs. Register today and start making money online by completing tasks, which could not be handled by machines and require human intelligence. Users earn money by completing so-called HITs, here are some examples - translate a paragraph into a foreign language, find suitable products for an advertiser, describe an image in several words, characterize the mood of an article, ect. Money earned on could be redeemed into Amazon gift cards or withdrawn to your bank account. has developed an application, which could turn your FaceBook account into a cash-making machine. Join this website and start making money by completing micro-freelance jobs. You will be able to check out the latest freelance jobs from your FaceBook page. After completing your work you can get paid the next day via PayPal. gives you a great chance to earn money by offering your own freelance services. Here you everything is in the reverse mode - you offer your service (tell what freelance work you can do for 7 dollars) and advertisers (employers) look through available offers and pick freelance services they like. Money with be paid to your PayPal account, when employer confirms that you completed the promised task. - free micro freelance job boards, where you can get paid to check out sponsored websites, services, do translation jobs, like facebook pages or write articles/reviews. Additionally you can improve your earnings by referring new active members. The minimum cashout is equal to $4 and you can get paid via PayPal or AlertPay. - very popular micro freelance job board but with a questionable reputation, so I am not sure about this one. Here users get paid for writing blog posts, answering questions, doing back-linking jobs, ect. Improve your earnings by referring new members to this freelance job website. The minimum payout is $9 and you can receive cash via PayPal, MoneyBookers or AlertPay. is a free marketplace for people looking for freelance jobs. Here you can choose among thousands of freelance jobs, which don't require a lot of your time, these include blogging, website promotion, translation, copywriting, design, ect. Here you can start building your freelance portfolio and get paid securely with Escrow. - interesting websites for anyone willing to earn easy money online. Resumark allows you to make money with your resume and find free freelance jobs. Unlike with other job search websites you get paid when advertisers download your resumes (receive up to $3 per download). The minimum payout is just 50 dollars. Additionally you can refer new members and receive 50% of their earnings. - what can you do for ten dollars? This is a free job board, where you can list your skills, talents and things you can do for $10/5. This is a perfect way to find buyers for your freelance services. The minimum cashout is 8 dollars and you can get paid via PayPal. - very good micro freelance job board, which is always full of available tasks. Here you can get paid to check out websites, write reviews, translate articles, download files, ect. Also, as a member of you can refer your friends and get paid money for every new registration. The minimum cashout is just 2 dollars and users get paid via PayPal or AlertPay. - this is a free buy/sell marketplace, where you can find various micro freelance jobs. Use this website to find employers and earn money by completing tasks they need. - totally free freelance job board, where you can showcase your freelance skills and make money online by completing them. Here all freelance jobs (gigs) are valued at 5 dollars and you need just 8 dollars to get paid via PayPal, MoneyBookers or AlertPay. Also this site provides you with an opportunity to improve your earnings by referring new members. - create an account and start offering your freelance services online. Currently for every gig you are offered 4 dollars. The main idea is to create a well-reputed worker portfolio and get money for completing freelance tasks online.

Earn Money Online with Twitter

How to get paid for using your Twitter account

Make money online with twitterTwitter - one of the most popular social networks and micro-blogging platforms. It is being used by millions of people all over the world and it is no wonder to me that creative marketers have come up with free ways to make money online with your twitter account.

Advertising is the key to earning money with Twitter. So if you have a popular account at twitter, then you are likely to have a chance to earn money with your micro-blogging platform account. Different twitter advertising platforms offer different types of ads on your twitter pages but the most popular are - sponsored tweets (when you tweet about somebody's account for money), sponsored background (when you add a background with somebody's product and url) and sponsored url (when you sell your accont url to advertisers).

So let's see which sites for earning money with twitter I have found.

Some random form

Note: It looks the part, but won't do a damned thing


Are you:
An hermaphrodite